How do I Change My Daily Total Sleep Time Goal?

There are two ways to adjust your Daily Total Sleep Time Goal:

Option 1 - From the Today tab on iPhone app:

  1. Open the Sleep Watch App on your iPhone
  2. Go to the ‘Today’ tab on the bottom left.
  3. Tap on the ‘Total Sleep Time Goal’ widget in the upper left corner of the view
  4. Adjust the Daily Total Sleep Time Goal to your desired value
  5. Confirm by tapping blue ‘Done’ button on upper right to save your new goal.

Option 2 - From the Account menu on iPhone app:

  1. Open the Sleep Watch App on your iPhone
  2. Go to the ‘Account’ tab on the bottom right.
  3. Select "My Settings"
  4. Select the "Daily Total Sleep Time Goal" option from the "My Settings" menu
  5. Adjust the Daily Total Sleep Time Goal to your desired value
  6. Confirm an adjusted value by tapping the 'Save' button. Or, cancel your changes by tapping the 'Cancel' button in the upper left corner.