Sleep Education & Tips

Understanding the Difference Between Night Terrors and Nightmares

    Sleep disturbances can take many forms, with night terrors and nightmares being among the most distressing, particularly for children. Despite their similarities, night terrors and nightmares are distinct phenomena with different causes, symptoms, and treatments. Understanding the differences between the two can help you to better manage these episodes.

Sleep disturbances can take many forms, with night terrors and nightmares being among the most distressing, particularly for children. Despite their similarities, night terrors and nightmares are distinct phenomena with different causes, symptoms, and treatments. Understanding the differences between the two can help you to better manage these episodes.

Night Terrors: A Deep Sleep Disturbance

Definition and Characteristics:

Night terrors, also known as sleep terrors, are a type of parasomnia characterized by sudden episodes of intense fear, screaming, and thrashing during sleep. They typically occur during the non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages of sleep, particularly in the first few hours after falling asleep.


-Sudden arousal from sleep with intense fear or panic -Screaming or shouting -Rapid heart rate and breathing -Sweating -Dilated pupils -Confusion and disorientation upon waking -Inability to recall the episode upon fully waking


Night terrors are more common in children, particularly between the ages of 3 and 12, but can also occur in adults. Potential triggers include:

-Sleep deprivation or irregular sleep schedules -Stress or anxiety -Fever or illness -Certain medications -Genetic predisposition


Most children outgrow night terrors without specific treatment. However, ensuring a regular sleep schedule and a calm bedtime routine can help reduce their frequency. In severe cases, medical intervention or counseling may be necessary.

Nightmares: Disturbing Dreams in REM Sleep

Definition and Characteristics:

Nightmares are vivid, disturbing dreams that typically occur during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. Unlike night terrors, nightmares often involve complex, narrative-like sequences that can be recalled in detail upon waking.


-Vivid, distressing dreams with themes of danger, fear, or discomfort -Waking up from sleep with a clear memory of the dream -Difficulty falling back asleep due to fear or anxiety -Emotional distress or anxiety during waking hours


Nightmares can affect individuals of all ages. So what causes nightmares? Why might you keep having nightmares? Factors contributing to nightmares include:

-Stress or anxiety -Traumatic experiences -Sleep disorders such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome -Certain medications or substances -Late-night snacks that may increase brain activity


Addressing underlying causes such as stress or anxiety through relaxation techniques, therapy, or lifestyle changes can help reduce the frequency of nightmares. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a soothing sleep environment are also beneficial.

Key Differences

Stage of Sleep: Night Terrors: Occur during NREM sleep, usually in the first few hours of the night. Nightmares: Occur during REM sleep, often in the early morning hours.

Memory of the Event: Night Terrors: Individuals typically do not remember the episode upon waking. Nightmares: Individuals can often recall the content of the dream in detail.

Behavior During the Episode: Night Terrors: Involve physical actions such as screaming, thrashing, and sitting up in bed. Nightmares: Generally involve no physical movement beyond possible minor muscle twitches.

Emotional Response: Night Terrors: Intense fear or panic without an identifiable narrative. Nightmares: Fear or distress linked to the content of the dream.

While night terrors and nightmares can be distressing for those experiencing them and their caregivers, understanding the differences between the two is crucial for effective management. Night terrors are characterized by intense fear during NREM sleep and are often not remembered, whereas nightmares are vivid, disturbing dreams occurring during REM sleep with clear recall. Proper sleep hygiene, stress management, and in some cases, medical intervention can help alleviate these sleep disturbances, ensuring a more restful night for all involved.

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