Sleep Watch User Tips

Premium Comparisons

    Premium Comparisons enable you to see how your sleep stacks up against others in the global SleepWatch community anonymously.

What are SleepWatch Premium Comparisons?

  • Premium Comparisons allow you to see how your sleep compares to others in the global SleepWatch community in a completely anonymous fashion. You can compare various aspects of your sleep and choose different aggregated groups to compare yourself against. How does your sleep stack up against others most like you? Against the entire SleepWatch community?

Why compare my sleep?

  • While you may be most interested in your own sleep, comparing your sleep to others is a great way to objectively analyze how you are sleeping in the broader context. By comparing, you may find opportunities for improvement that you weren't aware of or discover you're at the top of your peer group.

Who can I compare to?

  • Depending on the sleep metric you are comparing, you can anonymously see how your sleep compares to others in the global SleepWatch community that are most like you (based on age, sex, and BMI), how your sleep compares to just those in your age group, or how your sleep compares against all users within the global SleepWatch community.

Which comparisons are included?

  • SleepWatch Score™

    SleepWatch Score makes it easy to compare your sleep with friends or family with one easy number, but with Premium Comparisons, you can also see how your score ranks across the global SleepWatch community. How does your score stack up?

  • Total Sleep Time

    Total Sleep Time is a measure of how many hours of sleep you are getting each day. The NSF recommended amount of sleep varies with age. With Premium Comparisons, you can see whether you are sleeping more or less than the global SleepWatch community and those most like you.

  • Total Restful Sleep Time

    Restful Sleep is the state of sleep when the body is the most still. Health research among studied populations found that, generally, the deepest periods of sleep are associated with the least amount of body movement. Premium Comparisons lets you see whether you are getting more or less Restful Sleep than your peers in the global SleepWatch community.

  • Sleeping Heart Rate Dip

    Sleeping heart rate dip is the percent difference between your average waking heart rate and your average sleeping heart rate. Your Sleeping Heart Rate Dip may vary due to many lifestyle factors including food, drink, and physical activity. The greater your dip, the healthier it is considered by health studies. In fact, sleeping heart rate dip has been found to be an a more powerful indicator of overall cardiovascular health than heart rate. See whether your dip is greater or less than others like you with Premium Comparisons.

  • Sleep Rhythm

    Sleep Rhythm is a measure of how consistently you are sleeping at the same time each day. Are you more or less consistent than your peers? Premium Comparisons lets you find out.

  • Avg. Sleeping Heart Rate

    Did you know that the typical Average Sleeping Heart Rate differs between men and women and that, generally, those individuals studied with a slower sleeping heart rate experienced better health outcomes for years to come? Premium Comparisons allows you to compare your Avg. Sleeping Heart Rate to others of the same sex, as well as the global SleepWatch community.

  • Sleep Disruption

    Health research shows that the degree to which sleep is interrupted is an important indicator of sleep quality. Moreover, levels of sleep disruption typically increase with age. Higher disrupted sleep has been linked to impaired waking performance, increased daytime sleepiness, as well as other issues. Premium Comparisons can help you better understand whether your Sleep Disruption is less or greater than others most like you in your age group.

  • Avg. Sleeping HRV

    Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is not the same as heart rate. Health research suggests that higher levels of HRV during sleep are associated with more youthful physiology, better sleep quality, and less mental stress. While still considered a new health measure, Sleeping HRV may be an indicator of biological aging. Premium Comparisons lets you see whether your Avg. Sleeping HRV is greater or less than others in your age group.

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