Sleep Watch User Tips

Premium Update: Improvement to SleepWatch Score™ Trends

    SleepWatch Premium users now have an improved experience for viewing SleepWatch Score trends.

Premium Update: Improvement to SleepWatch Score Trends

Tracking your sleep over time is a great way to see trends in your sleep patterns that let you know if you're on the right track or if changes to your routine may improve your sleep.

SleepWatch Score is a numerical representation of your overall sleep based on your own data as estimated by a number of measurable metrics. SleepWatch Score is designed to give you an objective assessment of your overall sleep performance in one easy number. The score is universal across the SleepWatch community and can be used to compare your data to others of your sex, age group, and body mass index as well as the broader SleepWatch community.

The team at SleepWatch is pleased to announce an update to SleepWatch Score trends that will allow you to view not just your overall score, but also your daily score.

What's the Same?

SleepWatch Premium members have always been able to view their Overall Daily SleepWatch Score in trends. This feature remains available to users.

To see your Overall SleepWatch Score trends choose the "Overall SleepWatch Score" option in the dropdown menu in the "Trends" tab of SleepWatch app.

Then choose the "Daily" view from the "Overall SleepWatch Score" menu. This will allow you to see the Score trend that has always been available to users.

What's New?

Now you are able to track your Daily SleepWatch Score in addition to your Overall SleepWatch Score. And, you can now follow the daily, weekly, and monthly changes in both of those scores.

To view either the daily, weekly or monthly changes in your Overall SleepWatch Score, select the "Overall SleepWatch Score" option in the "trends" tab of SleepWatch app and then select either the daily, weekly, or monthly breakdown.

To view your Daily SleepScore Trends open up the trends tab in SleepWatch app and choose "Daily SleepWatch Score."

Daily SleepWatch Score trends are available to view daily, weekly, and monthly.

What's the Difference Between my Daily and Overall Score?

Your Overall score for a particular date takes into account a longer rolling average of your sleep that leads up to and includes your sleep on that date. Your Daily SleepWatch Score is a rating of your sleep only on a particular date. Your Daily SleepWatch Score will be more responsive to changes in your sleep and is well suited for trying to quickly identify how a new habit might be impacting your sleep. Your Overall SleepWatch Score will be less responsive, but it will offer a more robust picture of your sleep.

Looking to become a Premium Member?

This new feature was inspired by requests from our SleepWatch Premium members. If you have a feature you'd like to see added to SleepWatch app or have any questions for the team please reach out to us via the "feedback and support" option in the "account" tab of SleepWatch app.

Thanks for being a SleepWatch user!

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